Swan Finance fungeert als een brug tussen de werelden van gecentraliseerde en gedecentraliseerde financiering

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De laatste tijd, gestimuleerd door globalisering, mechanische vooruitgang en toenemende wereldwijde rivaliteit, is er een patroon in ontwikkeling in de richting van de groeiende institutionele en geologische groepering van monetaire kaders en markten. Tegelijkertijd is er een stijgende wetenschappelijke en strategische premie in de financieringskwesties waar nieuwe en kleine bedrijven naar op zoek zijn, waarvan algemeen wordt aangenomen dat ze de nadelige gevolgen van een financieringskloof ervaren. Deze dubbele vorderingen vormen de inspiratie voor dit artikel, dat een hypothetisch en observationeel licht probeert te werpen over de vraag of de ruimtelijke associatie van het geldgerelateerde raamwerk al dan niet van invloed is op de voortgang van de financiering van kleine bedrijven in verschillende districten.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) heeft aangetoond een belangrijke rol te spelen in cryptografisch geld, vooral laat. Met ondernemingen als UniSwap, Compound en Makerão heeft gedecentraliseerd geld zichzelf opgezet als meer dan de ICO-ramp op het oppervlak van 2017, waarvan het centrum symbolische deals en crowdfunding was in tegenstelling tot certificeerbare, onzelfzuchtige ontwikkeling.

DeFi heeft veel die de knoop doorhakken, dat valt niet te verwerpen. Uitleenconventies, handelsvaardigheden, zelfbesturende uitwisselingen, allemaal door de uitvoering van een sluwe overeenkomst zonder toestemming. 2020 DeFi-ondernemingen hebben een bijzonder ongelooflijke baan verricht bij het verbreden van het uitleen- en verkrijgingsgebied en omvatten begrepen significante belemmeringen in de huidige crypto-atmosfeer, vergelijkbaar met de centralisatie van cryptotransacties.

Geef deFi uit

Dat is in ieder geval niet, nu we kijken naar de problemen waarmee DeFi momenteel wordt geconfronteerd. Voeg stijgende gaskosten toe, onbeschermde scherpe overeenkomsten (een gebroken stukje code kan een totaal verlies van activa veroorzaken), een onstabiele organisatie, een gebrek aan bescherming van hulpbronnen en een niet erg goede UX, het zal een aantal enorme kritische denkvaardigheden vergen om deze problemen aanpakken. Het is duidelijk dat veel taken geschikt zijn. Een bijdrage aan het probleem met DeFi is bijvoorbeeld verrassend genoeg het ontbreken van decentralisatie.

Dit komt vooral omdat nieuwe taken, vergelijkbaar met bijvoorbeeld een DEX, niet bereid zijn om een ​​enorm klantenbestand aan te pakken zonder waarschijnlijk enige experimenten. Zonder de bugs en wrakstukken uit te werken, kan een hoop geld verloren gaan of zelfs verpulverd worden. Reformistische decentralisatie is een semi-nieuwe methodologie, waarbij administratie op lange termijn wordt aangeboden aan klanten, terwijl het tegelijkertijd snel naar het zuiden kan gaan zonder de best mogelijke richting.

Staking is een benadering om interesse te verwerven met uw crypto door uitwisselingen in een openbare blockchain goed te keuren, en het is niet nieuw. Er zijn verschillende cycli geweest sinds het begin van crypto. Denk aan mijnbouw, maar zonder alle uitrusting, hoge energierekeningen, stap voor stap afnemende beloningen en natuurlijk het altijd aanwezige gevaar van een aanval van 51%. crypto uitzetten is vergelijkbaar met het wegleggen van uw geld bij een bank. In ieder geval zijn er duidelijke nadelen aan de gebruikelijke bankbijdragen, een daarvan is dat u het hebt gecentraliseerd.

Swan Finance 

gaat over als een verlengstuk tussen de universums van opgenomen en gedecentraliseerd geld. Het geeft het beste van de twee universums. SwanFinance biedt een eenvoudig te gebruiken interface voor het verwerven van rente, terwijl SwanCredit een gedecentraliseerde fase geeft aan gedeelde leningen. Terwijl de crypto-winkels veilig zijn beveiligd in de SwanFinance-fase om inkomsten te verwerven, kunnen klanten hun crypto-winkels gebruiken als verzekering en lening aan anderen om extra rente te verwerven in de SwanCredit-fase via een automatische kredietruil. SwanFinance is een gedecentraliseerde geldfase waarin klanten hoge inkomsten verwerven uit digitale valuta die ze op het podium willen opslaan. Door SWAN-tokens in te zetten, kunnen aangeworven klanten aanzienlijk hogere premies krijgen, tot 20% APY.

Swan Ecosystem

We beginnen met SwanFinance. In elk geval is het pas het begin van het Swan Ecosystem dat zal bestaan ​​uit: SwanCredit, SwanInvestments, SwanPay, Swan.Exchange, SwanTrade en SwanWallet. Er zullen aanzienlijk meer benaderingen zijn om voordelen en limieten te krijgen voor het uitzetten en gebruiken van SWAN-tokens.
> Swan Credit

maakt gedeelde leningen en cryptocredits mogelijk
> Swan Exchange

wordt een volledig werkende cryptohandel met edge-uitwisseling.
> Swan Investments

stelt klanten in staat middelen te steken in nieuwe bedrijven die crowdfunding gebruiken.
> Swan portemonnee

wordt een veilige methode om digitale vormen van geld op te bergen. Het zal worden geassocieerd met de SwanFinance-fase, zodat klanten rente kunnen verwerven terwijl ze hun cryptografische vormen van geld veilig en veilig opbergen.
Swan Trade
stelt klanten in staat om digitale valuta uit te wisselen met behulp van AI die bots uitwisselt en de uitwisselingen van verschillende klanten op het podium te volgen voor een commissie.
> Met Swan Pay
kunnen klanten afbetalingen doen en subsidies verplaatsen met behulp van SWAN-tokens of verschillende digitale vormen van geld.

We gebruiken een ERC20-token genaamd SWAN. Gebruik het SWAN-token om het welzijnspercentage te bepalen. Zet SWAN-tokens in om een ​​hogere premie te verkrijgen, tot 20% APY op SWAN-tokens en tot 16% APY voor verschillende digitale vormen van geld die hieronder zijn vastgelegd. U kunt een opslagperiode van één of meerdere maanden kiezen. Rente wordt met regelmatige tussenpozen uitbetaald met behulp van het SWAN-token.

Uw digitale valuta en stablecoins worden bij ons beschermd. We hadden de fase-engineering gepland om zoveel bescherming te bieden als redelijkerwijs kon worden verwacht. We bewaren een groot deel van de cryptografische vormen van geld in koele portefeuilles totdat ze nodig zijn voor verhuizingen of opnames. We verdedigen uw portemonnee en uw digitale vormen van geld met verschillende benaderingen om uw karakter te controleren, van uw login tot uw opnames. Onze stichting is net zo beschut als de online administratie die u voor uw banken gebruikt.


Website:  https://www.swanfinance.io/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/swanfinance.io
Twitter:  https://www.twitter.com/swan_finance
Telegram:  https://t.me/swanfinancechat
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/swanfinance
Linkedin:  https://www.linkedin.com/company/67974539/admin/
YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBjyiLVoLwUHKGlLsVSVBWg/featured

Bitcointalk username: NYONYGMY
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2750675
ETH wallet address: 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85



Through years of remote, outsourced and freelance work, we realized the necessity for a united platform allowing people with talent to join forces through a structured eco-system. Thus, we created IDEAOLOGY, a unique Blockchain Launchpad enabling business founders, freelancers and developers to collaborate, grow and achieve their full potential.

An open-source Blockchain project built on the Ethereum blockchain, IDEAOLOGY is dedicated to connecting talented professionals and their target community members. Combining all the services founders need to develop their business, IDEAOLOGY creates the perfect conditions for your success.

What is Ideaology?

Ideaology is a project which will harness the amazing potential of blockchain technology to create an enormous platform with a diverse community of people and enterprises cooperating to develop great ideas and solutions into successful businesses.

Ideaology is proud to announce that we are transitioning from ICO route to IEO launch for our pre-sale IDEA token offering on December 1st, 2020. We have recently established an IEO and coin listing partnership with Estonia-based crypto P2PB2B Exchange. Our IEO will enable us to reach more active crypto investors that are willing to be part of our IDEA vision at Ideaology.

“We believe that our IEO launch with P2PB2B enables Ideaology supporters and P2PB2B users to have a smooth and convenient experience in participating in our pre-sale for the IDEA token. We trust that P2PB2B will also offer a great IDEA token pre-sale experience for everyone who is interested to purchase IDEA tokens at an early stage”, said Amar Kovacevic, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer at Ideaology.


An ecosystem in which everyone benefits from each other. Comprised of talented professionals meeting and cooperating, along with investors supporting their projects and able to track and communicate with development teams. Inside the safe and protected Ideaology ecosystem, new projects are able to gain their own followers and community in parallel with development on the platform.

Are you an ambitious developer with a promising project? A freelancer eager to showcase your skills? Or a forward-thinking investor excited to embark on a new venture? Have you already opened 10+ accounts on different platforms hoping you will find what you’re looking for? But, even then, you can’t sell your design, get hired, join a project in one place… not anymore!


IDEAOLOGY combines the three elements necessary to take a business to the next level: Innovative Tech, a Stable Investment Platform and Funding opportunities, and last but not least, IDEAOLOGY Community of Professionals, Investors and Customers.

Because we believe in fairness, IDEAOLOGY doesn’t force developers to tokenize their ideas but, instead, tokenizes their equity shares. With project founding available worldwide, we enable those with the potential to grow, even in lesser developed areas. Through IDEAOLOGY’s unique sharing-orientated platform, developers are able to collaborate on different projects and freely trade ideas, skills and procedures.

●  Value / exchange rate
●  More tokens lower fees
●  Option to use it as a payment gateway
●  Transaction speed
●  Decentralization
●  Low transaction fee


●  Communication with people throughout the community
●  Airdrops from crowdfunded projects
●  Services (freelancer, marketplace, find team)
●  Possibility to earn income from services
●  Meeting people that are enthusiastic about your idea
●  Filling your team positions on one place
●  Option to crowdfund your project
●  Wallet
●  Taking part in polls
●  Community which is combined of people who are in crypto and ones who are not
●  Lowest fees on the market
●  Worldwide connection for market / token is not a must
●  Benefiting from projects we fund or ones who get crowdfund


●  Better price (discounted)
●  Making Idea possible
●  Rewards for all crowdfunded and funded tokens (for every community user who holds IDEA tokens. No matter if they invest)


●  Token sales
●  Looking for partner – pay to post
●  Freelancer fee & services
●  Marketplace fee & services
●  Crowdfunding success fee


 The project will be completed in 3 stages:

1. Launchpad

2. Wallet

3. Project founding – Crowdfunding 

●  Stage I: The Launchpad
Creating the Launchpad is the first stage of the entire project. IDEAology launchpad is the platform’s layer which helps startups scale up by selling to global retailers and distributors.
●  Stage II: IdeaWallet
Stage Two of the project will be a wallet that supports all tokens forged through IDEAOLOGY, connected to one of the major exchanges to help projects get more visibility. Moreover, crowdfunding options will be exclusively available through mobile wallet.
●  Stage III: Founding 
No matter how great the idea or how passionate you are, your success ultimately depends on careful strategic planning and sound financial management. It’s vital you keep records of every financial transaction to know exactly where your money is coming from – and where it’s going!


IDEA token is a hybrid utility/payment, Ethereum ERC-20 token, specially designed for the IDEAOLOGY environment. ERC20 tokens enable a uniform, standard set of rules governing how tokens behave and function on the Ethereum network. This is crucial for heightened stability and network cohesiveness.

Hybrid utility/payment token is used for payment and benefits for token holders. Ethereum has a first-mover advantage and continues to have the largest market cap. Furthermore, ERC20 allows for seamless interaction with other smart contracts and decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain.


●  Token name: IDEAOLOGY

●  Ticker: IDEA

●  Token type: erc20

●  Blockchain deployed: Ethereum



●  Platform Development: 30% (150M)

●  Marketing: 5% (25M)

●  Team: 3% (15M)

●  Reward program: 6% (30M)

●  Operation: 2% (10M)

●  Sale: 54% (270M) 


Pre-ico :

●  Dedicated Tokens: 20 Mil

●  Price: $0.07

●  Collecting: 1,400,000$

●  From 01. December 2020. Duration: 30 days

Crowdsale (ICO):

●  Dedicated Tokens: 194 Mil

●  Price: 0.09 $

●  Collecting: 17,460,000$

●  From 01. February 2021. Duration: 30 days

Total Tokens: 220,000,000 IDEA

Collecting: 19,160,000$ (19.16 Mil)


●  Environment/server/grow: 30.0%

●  Operation: 25.0%

●  Kickstart: 10.0%

●  Foundings: 15.0%

●  Marketing: 20.0%


Q4 2019


Concept developement

Team forming

Q1 2020 

Project Launch,

MVP Development start,

Pre0ICO and ICO Sale

Team Expansion 

Q2 2020


Office & Incorporation,

Community Engagement & Rewarding Programs developement

Q3 2020 

Wallet BETA and testing


IDEA Exchange listing announce

Q4 2020 

Launchpad ready to use

IDEA Exchanges listing

Q1 2021 

Online Academy

Technology News Site

Ideaology Auctions

Ideaology Exchange

Ico listing site 

 Website: https://ideaology.io

  Web-conference & AMAs: https://ideaology.io/webconference

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/ideaologyio

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ideaology.io/

  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ideaology-io

 Medium: https://medium.com/ideaology-announcements

 Steemit: https://steemit.com/@ideaology/

 Youtube: https://bit.ly/2WgwF7F

Username: NYONYGMY
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2750675
Telegram: @ mey_nyonyg75
ETH: 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85

Betfury – What makes BetFury unique? Top Platforms Benefits


Betfury is a decentralized betting platform that operates on the Tron network and makes use of smart contracts. Betfury created to change the think about online betting by making it more transparent and secure. Their goal is to provide a solution that will offer bettors more trust in the entire betting system. The platform does not rely on centralized bookmakers operating as middlemen,that’s betting will be safer and more transparent.

when betting industry grew substantially and demand of bet increashing, betting companies must be aware that the industry need for a completely transparent and secure betting ecosystem .
888tron is the solution to all those problems. where those that are betting are able to see all relevant information of the bet on a decentralized ledger. With Betfury players can also see the amount of money as well as outstanding bets.

Secure – Transparent – Quick Payouts

With using Tron blockchain and smart contract technologies, when a bet has ended, the profit will be sent to players wallet who guessed correctly . Players doesn’t need to place a request or wait until some betting agency approves your withdrawal.

Moreover, given that Betfury using smart contract technologies, there is no way that an external actor, such as a hacker, can get access to the information or funds. And because Betfury does not rely on centralized bookmakers then the result of a bet cannot be changed so that only players can manage to their advantage.

Unlimited bet players

This is another feature of the Betfury platform. There will be no limit on betting players that can be joining the bet. This means that there can be an unlimited number bet players on popular gambling. Hence, as more people will join a bet, the resulting benefit will increase as well.
More games-More Fun

Betfury is developing a platform that can provide more of games. This means that when you feel bored on one game you can try another games that are more pleasing to you.
With Betfury you will be easier to move from one game to another games. For now there are 48 games that you are ready to play and bet. Namely Dice,Plinko,Circle, Keno,Crypto Slot,etc
More Bets-More Friends-More Incomes.

This is what I like the most from Betfury. With more bet i palce, with more amount of my bets, I get more dividends from the platform. Besides being able to get profit from bets, players can also receive rewards if they successfully invite friends to play and bet.


In my opinion, Betfury is not just an online betting platform with features that prove fair. But Betfury also provides a number of advantages like I mentioned above and maybe more than that because it’s only limited to what I know.
To be sure, you have to try it !!

Betfury players can enjoy a secure and tranparent online gambling

More bet you place, more amount you bet, more income you get
Easy to use, Easy to play , More Chance to win
More Games-More Profit-More Fun

Official Link of the Betfury

WEBSITE : https://betfury.io/?r=5eb19c49e7402437f4540c01
TELEGRAM : https://t.me/Betfury
WHITEPAPER : https://betfury.io/bf_whitepaper.pdf
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/BetFury.io
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/betfury_io
REDDIT : https://www.reddit.com/user/BetFury_io

Username BetFury : NYONYGMY

Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2750675

ZAC Finance – Providing an Ecosystem Controlled by ZAC


Blockchain technology brings many changes in the global financial industry, such as transactions that are faster, safer, without intermediaries, low fees, etc. Since it was first introduced by bitcoin, blockchain technology has changed a lot in terms of functions and features until recently. . Now blockchain can be used not only in the financial industry but in the medical industry, cargo, markets, they can use it to streamline the entire existing transaction process and make it safer and faster.

Now we have entered the era of blockchain evolution which was originally only to secure a transaction process, but now we have a protocol that contains applications that can maximize the benefits of crypto enthusiasts, namely the DeFi protocol. It is a protocol that allows blockchain technology to be applied in more complex financial cases. DeFi stands for decentralized finance, which consists of several features and services that can maximize user profits – ZAC Finance is an ecosystem controlled by the ZAC token, which is a DeFi-based financial innovation platform.

What is ZAC Finance?

ZAC is a modern-day project designed to meet the demands of financial innovation and increase the efficiency of the financial system through Defi and blockchain technology. It strives to create a decentralized financial ecosystem by offering a complete range of Defi based products and solutions.
The ZAC platform is at the forefront of Defi-based fintech innovation by being one of the pioneers in combining various defi products and solutions, under a unified ecosystem, enabling consumers to carry out financial activities in unreliable and cost-effective ways. It is important to note that in order to enable complete decentralization in the ecosystem, the founding body at ZAC Finance does not have a token, which allows full authority to the community to decide on what allocations the operations team deserves.

Main Products

ZAC Defi Protocol offers a variety of products and solutions that include:

  • ZAC token: The ZAC token is the native token of the ZAC Financial ecosystem that enables transaction processing, as an exchange token, and enables peer to peer exchange and value transfer. The ZAC token is registered with Uniswap, where the token only has one Pair, namely ZAC / ETH.
  • Z-Farm: Z-Farm offers cryptocurrency owners the opportunity to grow their cryptocurrency holdings by sending it into joint stock to offer liquidity. In this way, while on the one hand a participant helps provide liquidity, in exchange he gets a profitable gift straight to the wallet.
  • Z-Stake: Z-Stake is a sophisticated platform that allows its token holders to stake / store their holdings in non-custodial wallets connected to the blockchain network, and in turn contribute to consensus and authentication processes in the ecosystem. In exchange, the staking user gets periodic tokens, straight into the wallet.
  • Z-Trade: Z-Trade is an innovative non-custodial crypto exchange that allows stable trading of crypto assets while also allowing users to take advantage of up to 500X. Using a blockchain-based decentralized architecture, Z-Trade ensures transparency and authenticity of trades at minimal costs.
  •  Z-Swap: ZAC also features a dedicated, one-sided utomated market maker that uses decentralized autonomous organizations or smart contracts to enable fast, efficient and low-cost token exchange (or market creation). It is fully decentralized and acts as an open source market maker, with no central token or platform fees. Apart from that, it also ensures to support all Er20 based tokens, with preference given to specific users or projects.
  • Z-Vault: Z-Vote offers a decentralized platform that allows the community to chain voting. All this voting data is recorded on a blockchain which acts as an immutable, decentralized ledger, leaving no place of bureaucratic manipulation or fraud.
  • Z-Vote: Z-Valut is a protocol that automates yield farming. It uses AI and BigData to seek innovative agricultural strategies, with the aim of delivering maximum results to society.

Featured Features

  • One-Stop Platform: An all-in-one platform for all types of Defi products.
  • Decentralized Governance: With implementation on blockchain and tokenization enabled, ZAC Finance offers a decentralized business model.
  • Nominal Transaction and Trading Fees: Easy transactions with minimal processing and trading fees
  • Tokenization: Allows businesses to tokenize their business using native ZAC Token Security: All transactions in the ZAC Finance ecosystem are secured by smart contracts.
  • Token Utilities: ZAC tokens have native utility derived from receiving tokens across all products and services within the ZAC Financial Ecosystem.
  • Unique and futuristic: The products offered by ZAC Finance and their innovative business models.
  • Offered liquidity: Token liquidity is offered through exchanges and exchange lists.

The problem we solve?

  • Security issues in finance by a decentralized blockchain-based financial model.
  • The role of centralized entities is removed through dis intermediation and smart contract based decision making.
  • Manipulation by controlling authorities and a single point of failure for the management of decentralized governance and distributed architectures.
  • Liquidity in trading activity offered through instant exchange and decentralized market creation.


Token Allocation The pie chart below provides an overview of how tokens are allocated in the ZAC financial ecosystem. In order to offer complete transparency and decentralization to the project, the founders had no tokens: it gave the community authority to decide what token allocations ZAC management deserved for their efforts.

Token Information

  • Name: ZAC
  • Token Symbol: ZAC
  • Type: ERC20
  • Blockchain Network: Ethereum

Contract Address:




We have entered an era where blockchain is starting to penetrate everyday life and people are getting to know what blockchain is. The current evolution of blockchain is that the DeFi protocol can provide a lot of advantages for crypto enthusiasts.

ZAC is an ecosystem consisting of various DeFi products that can provide maximum benefits to users. It is a decentralized platform that is controlled by the ZAC token and the community has the right to determine the allocation to platform operations. So that users can perform financial activities in an untrustworthy and cost-effective way.

For more information on this project see the link below:

Website: https://zac.finance
White Paper: https://zac.finance/whitepaper.pdf
Email: support@zac.finance
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanceZac
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/ryBqXAm
Telegram: @ZACFinanceP
Ann’s Telegram Channel: @zacfinanceann
Media: https://medium.com/@zac.finance.token

Bitcointalk Username: NYONYGMY
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2750675
ETH: 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85

DogData – Take care of your dog here


DogData Inc. had been started through Dog’s commercial group as well as practical specialists. The actual DogData Answer is really a p2p The actual DogData Marketplace will save Dog owner cash through changing advertising as well as incorrect options along with guidance through specialists as well as kinds of idol judges. The actual DogData Answer makes use of the data as well as connection with the city The actual DogData Application Application utilizes social networking to create notices. With time as well as increasingly more Canine Information is actually gathering, through making brokers within the DogData Understanding which can easier and much more rapidly forecast partnerships which are nearer to the most recent Type requirements compared to can be achieved through people on their own which DNAHunter desires to become a compensated answer Building heavy understanding P2p’s Web3. 0 neighborhood system requires benefit of possibilities to make use of information trade systems in substitution for canine well being that’s been confirmed with an random foundation. DogData Environment particularly assists solutions to enhance Pup success difficulties by utilizing contemporary resources that may enhance Pup success as well as assist saving family dog pet owners as well as Canine Treatment Professional money. through the use of the actual power as well as connection with your dog proprietor neighborhood to enhance Canine well being, Canine Reproduction, Canine understanding & the ability associated with settling prevent items. Gamification which ideals canine well being utilizing erc20 trade cash as well as erc20 marketplace bridal party.


Dogdata includes a pidgree string that is a global Proprietor Enrollment system and also the Rabies vaccination blockchain Worldwide Breed of dog proprietors as well as worldwide Pet vaccination enrollment which are simple to use for those Canines utilizing blockchain technologies which can’t be transformed. additionally dogdata also offers a good agreement with regard to canine product sales using the assistance associated with wise, comprehensive, modular, Wise canine product sales agreements so the treatment & well being landmark is actually attached to the actual Pedigree String through the cellular application. Dogdata additionally offers Canine Professional with regard to Pet owners Worldwide Breed of dog proprietors may sign-up a global Pet vaccination that’s simple to use for those Canines utilizing blockchain technologies which can’t be transformed. About this system widows may also make use of the the majority of prosperous canine reproduction specialists on the planet and also the energy associated with large information to create much better reproduction forecasts with regard to getting rid of canine hereditary wellness flaws. There’s also providers or even options with regard to delicate Type items which are utilized by probably the most prosperous breeders on the planet, Worldwide canines from the exact same kind because Canines exactly where a person store. Additionally, dogdata also offers the cellular software, the objective of that is to produce as well as handle Classified Canine occasions utilizing social networking, locational technologies, and also the #tags key phrase. Reveal all the Myspace occasions you’ve adopted to some broader target audience with the DogData DogDate cellular application.

Info Detail :

Web : https://dogdata.io/
WhitePaper : https://mydogdata.com/pdf/Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/FaceBook4Dog
Telegram: https://t.me/Dogdata

My Bitcointalk Link : lani123lani
My ETH Address : 0xaeC6B59a69a13FBea61AC87b27Cc50d8F594F923
Telegram Username : @lani123lani



Blockchain technology is applied in quite a number fields, the circle continues to grow. Because it covers extra new areas, why not attempt with the hashish industry? The aggregate of hashish and blockchain raises curiosity because of two troubles that cause a lot of doubts, which include prison issues, and additionally enthusiasm.

The cannabis industry is historically unlawful and fragmented, however professional cognizance of its many health advantages will increase its legitimacy. Some countries have agreed to the production, distribution and use of cannabis and many different countries have followed in their footsteps. The government took benefit of the probability to convince hashish customers containing high tetrahydrocannabinol (THC degrees in the manufacturing unit are the foundation for classifying hashish as narcotics or non-narcotics) as a substitute than the usage of marijuana with low THC and high stages of kanababidiol. (CBD is a thing of cannabis that affords health benefits.)

In 2017, Swiss law regarding the production, sale and use of hashish (containing a most of 1% THC) was once amended. The new regulation gives agencies the proper (with suitable authorization and licensing) to technique hashish vegetation and distribute hashish within the country.

VIRIDI strives to make the cannabis enterprise the mainstream by way of using the blockchain anyplace it is or will be legalized. Our power is our unique and pleasing investment opportunities in cannabis production in Switzerland.

Most of VIRIDI will be disseminated through accomplice frameworks, the place people will be paid in coins to make bigger the machine with new individuals. It is up to humans who have VIRIDI to pick out how to get installments, for example, new VIRIDI or other cryptographic money in circulation which can be traded with FIAT cash. Each activity in VIRIDI generates a commission seven levels above in the system, and it is up to persons who qualify for each fee to pick out whether or not they need VIRIDI or other cryptographic money, base cash ought to be set as a standard with the aid of men and women at each point in time.

Until VIRIDI is stimulated to open cash trading, VIRIDI coins through any venture / commercial enterprise are circulated to people who meet the organizational requirements. After VIRIDI is stimulated in open trade, people outdoor the organizational part of the system can put resources into VIRIDI besides the benefit of that section, for example, commissions with an activity in VIRIDI.



The predominant organisation for VIRIDI is Exer Global crew Corp, based totally in Cyprus, and the trustee for VIRIDI is “GUARD VIRIDI AG”, primarily based in Lichtenstein. Our extraordinarily specialized crew of experts and consultants handles the majority of software development, especially in Europe. VIRIDI provides a wide device constructed on cryptocurrency and cannabis production, which has a platform for wallets, integration with public exchanges, and more.


(Crypto-One-Stop-Solution) consists of all features handy in cryptocurrency-based digital financial systems. The device brings together all components of transactions that are generally managed the use of FIAT money. This device presents solutions for investments, exchanges, wallets and transactions.

Explorer is a web-based tool (https://explorer.viridicoin.net). This approves users to view VIRIDI pockets balances. This is an open ledger, and all transactions, along with historic transactions, can be seen.
This software can be accessed except authentication and offers statistical community data such as:
the complete amount of VIRIDI circulating at any given time
Transactional volumes are accessible in a number time slots (1 hour, 24 hours, 7 days and one month)
number of blocks, wallets, etc.
VIRIDI prices on a number of exchanges.

VIRIDI Wallet is a cross-platform wallet that approves customers to save VIRIDI.

Wallet provides the following features for VIRIDI:

generate new addresses on the blockchain network
allows users to view VIRIDI balances and ship transactions to different wallets
allows customers to view pending transactions and releases
allows customers to view and make deposits (Masternodes)
allows users to make price requests and show them as QR codes
allows customers to scan QR codes to send VIRIDI payments


One of the predominant drivers of the price of VIRIDI cash is the reality that VIRIDI invests in cannabis agencies in Switzerland. Returns to VIRIDI coin holders are primarily based on dividends from hashish companies. VIRIDI is a unique currency with profitable bodily and enterprise merchandise behind it. VIRIDI will offer wallet owners get admission to to on line and offline transactions.

GREEN affiliate network:

Most of VIRIDI will be disbursed through the affiliate system, the place individuals will be given prize coins to enlarge the network with new members. It is up to individuals who have VIRIDI to pick how to receive payments, for example, new VIRIDI or other conventional digital currencies (which can be exchanged for FIAT money). Each investment in VIRIDI generates a commission seven stages above in the network, and depends on the individuals (who qualify for any commission) to pick whether or not they favor VIRIDI or different cryptocurrency (one essential forex have to be set as a default by using members)) at any factor in time). Until VIRIDI is launched on public currency exchange, VIRIDI coins (through any application / project) are distributed only to eligible organisation members. After VIRIDI used to be launched on the public exchange,


Initial investor 0.1 EUR (qualified membership required).
Pre-sale at exerglobal.com for 0.5 EUR (qualified membership required).
Pre-sale on viridicoin.net step 1, price 1.50 EUR + 20%, maximum 15 million for sale.
Pre-sale on viridicoin.net step 2, price 1.50 EUR + 10%, maximum 15 million for sale.
The launch of a public exchange is planned at 2.00 EUR but may increase on demand.
Further prices are based on supply and demand.

Fund distribution:

77.5 Million Operations and Production
46.5 Million Marketing and Exchange Sites
31 Million Technology and Innovation

Coin distribution:

90 Million Initial Investors
30 Million Contributions Phase 1 & 2
45 Million Mining & Masternode Prizes
20 Million Developers and Founders
10 Million Bounty & Airdrop
5 Million Advisers


4th Quarter 2017

Exer CanaPlus Ltd was established
Viridi Token was born
Presale Token
Location found for cultivation
Legal certification for marijuana cultivation
Build a website
First Quarter of 2018

Presale Token
Developing lights and testing preparation for cultivation
Product testing, strain testing, and cannabis classification
Quarter 2 of 2018

Presale Token
Started developing windows wallets, online webwall, masternodes, and blockchain
Quarter 3 2018

Presale Token
The second cultivation arrangement is 1000 kg.
Viridi blockchain is displayed
Online webwallet release for Viridi Coin
Development of Windows wallet, Masternodes and viridi blockchain
Social Communication Settings
4th Quarter 2018

Viridicoin.net presale 1-2 total open 30,000,000 presale coins 1 + 20%, presale 2 + 10% viridicoin
Airdrops and Bounty Program
New investment plan for 2019.
An agreement with cannabis farming in Schaffhausen ended, Viridi began investing in Cannabis shares.
First Quarter of 2019

Windows Viridi wallet test
Exchange green, green marks for coins (VIC) 23 / 3-2019
Viridi coins on the exchange site http://www.coinexchange.io
Proof of Parking (POP) is ready for the first key from 23/3 to 5/4-2019
Quarter 2 of 2019

Payment from Parking Proof (POP) Q1
Remove Masternodes LVL 1-2-3
Release of Viridi Windows Viridi wallet coins on more exchange sites.
New investment possibilities for Viridi coins

For more information, please visit the link below:

Website: https://exerglobal.com/
Mining: http://exermining.com/
White Paper: https://exerglobal.com/Download/pdf/sv/eXer Presentation 7lvl.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/youniqexerglobalgroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YouniqG
Telegram: https://t.me/youniq_exerglobal_group
Ann (generosity) Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5219611.0

Username: NYONYGMY
Profile Bitcointalk:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2750675
ETH Address: 0x269327ae1b712bfd6C3C5C604e926304A1244f85


Blockchain networks were originally designed to attain consensus only if the replication of storage, attainment of redundancy, and all-around re-execution of computations were actualized. It is that factor that facilitated the need to have a viable platform that can cut off all the challenges that have been kicking against the effectiveness of computations.


The current need as far as blockchain computation is concerned is to create a network that ensures the scalability of any kind of computation. It is also important to point out that the scalability of blockchain platforms and networks is part of the reasons why more robust Decentralized Applications (DApps) can be developed.

It is on the premise of the market need and the quest to meet the requirements for a fully scalable environment that the Cartesi blockchain was launched. Below are some of the properties that make it one of the best blockchain networks you can ever come across.


Ideally, the successful scaling of DApps on blockchain networks is attributed to the feasibility of the Layer-1 and the Layer-2 scalability solutions. The Layer-1 scalability solution is designed to bolster the implementation of scalable tools at the base level protocol of the blockchain network.


On the other hand, the Layer-2 scalability solution is designed to work alongside the smart contract technology. That, in turn, helps in bolstering the off-chain movement of much data and computation.

Therefore, it can be asserted that the roles of the Layer-1 and Layer-2 Scalability Solutions is to promote trade-offs and scalability as much as they could. That is not all there is to running a successful development and delegation of Decentralized Applications (DApps) via the blockchain technology. That facilitated the provision of more features, which combine to make the Cartesi blockchain one of best platforms for DApps development.

Dispute Resolution

You cannot rule out disputes out of the development and delegation of Decentralized Applications (DApps). That is why the Cartesi blockchain has created the right ecosystem for DApps developers to resolving disputes in real time. In addition, the resolution of disputes emanating from computations is done at negligible costs on the blockchain network.


Higher Data Size

You needn’t be bothered about the size of the data in view. Instead, the Cartesi blockchain has made it possible for DApps developers to make use of any data source, without minding or getting bothered about the size of such data.

Program Execution Across Different Nodes

Decentralized Application (DApp) developers are at the core of enjoying the many attributes that come through the Cartesi blockchain. Aside from the provision of the relevant tools (including programming languages), they would also be able to write executable programs that can be verified and reproduced across different network nodes.


The Cartesi blockchain is no doubt, one of the best blockchain networks for DApps development as well as computations. You can now take advantage of this sizzling opportunity to bolster your efforts at DApps development.


Website: https://cartesi.io/
Whitepaper: https://cartesi.io/cartesi_whitepaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/CartesiProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cartesiproject
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cartesiproject

Telegram Username: @mey_nyonyg175
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=979945
Email: dhealove2016@gmail.com

AoSpooling / RealKOYN Project Overview!

Hello dear friends, today we will talk about the AoSpooling project  and its RealKOYN token   !  

about the project

  Cryptocurrency does not stand still and its popularity is growing every month. Therefore, many people are interested in it and want to enter the crypto industry. But due to the large number of fraudsters and hacker attacks, as well as market instability, people are skeptical about cryptocurrency. Since trust is lost to her. AoS understands this all and knows that all partnerships are built unconditionally on trust. And AoS wants to help people to enter the crypto industry and feel as they say at ease. AoS will help you navigate the crypto industry and eliminate distrust of it. The Aos team consists of experienced professionals who will solve the problems for you when investing and you will not need to worry about anything. The main task of AoSis the development of long-term relationships with its investors and other users. To achieve this, they will need a lot of effort and time, but the team is confident that it will cope with all this!  

Why work with AoS? 

1. The team has a lot of experience. Everyone knows that thanks to experience, working is much easier and easier to achieve the task. Experience is especially important when you work with money. And therefore, the AoS team  uses its many years of experience to expand your investment portfolio. 

2. Huge powers. Almost all team members were licensed. And few probably know from you that this is total control by the state. And this is really an advantage over competitors who have never encountered such harsh conditions.  

3. Absolute transparency . You can monitor your portfolio and check its status at any time of the day and from any corner of our world. You will have access to absolutely everything that is so necessary for you, and also you will have many other privileges.  


About Token 

The token of the AoS project is REAL KOYN .  

Token Symbol – RKYN 

Platform – ETHEREUM 

Standard – ERC20 

Price per token – $ 0.25 

The minimum fee is $ 1,000,000 

The maximum collection amount is $ 12,000,000 

Token Distribution:  

20% – Reserve 

60% – Real estate assets 

5% – Airdrop 

2% – Investors and consultants 

10% – Founders 

3% – Bounty Company and Marketing  



I think the project is very interesting with its unique concept, as well as an experienced and strong team. Therefore, I think it’s worth a closer look.  


Website:   https://aosinvesting.com/ 

WhitePaper:   https://realkoyn.com/whitepaper/ 

Bitcointalk ANN THREAD:   https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5217535.msg53603060#msg53603060 

Telegram Group:   https://t.me/aospooling 

Telegram ANN:   https://t.me/AoSpool 

Facebook:   https://www.facebook.com/AoS-Pooling-Art-of-Science-122718612451666 

Twitter:   https://twitter.com/AoSPooling 

Linkedin:   https://www.linkedin.com/company/aos-pooling/about/ 

Youtube:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0tDsBUhfXc&feature=youtu.be 

My Bitcointalk Username – ivanarifiant

My Bitcointalk profile – https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=979945

My ETH address – 0xF6505afA3dA59e702dBD00A1dE54be8B656ADCf2

Bamboo – Ваш Лучший Помощник Сохранения и Укрепления Здоровья На Блокчейне!

На сегодняшний день самым ценным богатством в жизни человека является его здоровье, при хорошем самочувствии и физической форме можно выполнять любые задачи и преодолевать трудности. Но не каждый способен укреплять и следить за собой в полной мере, уделяя этому мало времени или вовсе забывая об этом.

Почему же так происходит?! Дело в том, что современная система здравоохранения значительно устарела и введение инноваций происходит довольно медленно, но при этом лекарства, необходимые операции становятся очень дорогими и недоступными большему количеству людей. Страховые компании не выполняют свои обязательства по договору и приходится тратить на них время, обращаясь в суд или другие административные органы.

В основном создаются учреждения государственного формата, которые предоставляют примитивные, устаревшие и не всегда эффективные методы лечения и приходится людям часто обращаться снова. Многие препараты стоят так дорого, что пенсионеры тратят практически всю свою пенсию на медицинскую помощь, а ведь могло и не быть такой ситуации.

И эта ситуация имеет актуальность даже для хорошо развитых цивилизованных странах, где медицина не находится на последнем месте, что же говорить тогда о городах и территориях Азии, Африки, где людям нужно преодолевать сотни и тысячи километров до пунктов скорой помощи.

Но не отчаивайтесь, ведь сейчас вы узнаете, как именно вам можно быть здоровым физически практически всегда, получать информацию о более эффективных методах профилактики, новые приложения для лечения будут доступными вам благодаря платформе под названием Bamboo!

Bamboo эта децентрализованная платформа, использующая искусственный интеллект, датчики интернета вещей и все это реализуется в мобильном приложении, позволяющее пользователям заключать страховой договор при помощи умных контрактов на базе Ethereum, что уже устраняет собой возможность мошенничества, получать в реальном времени параметры и другие данные о своем здоровье.

Даже можно сказать, что это будет вашим личным карманным доктором, информирующий вас постоянно о вашем физическом состоянии, помогающая выбирать только правильные и полезные продукты питания благодаря сканированию и определения состава при помощи приложения, советуя выполнять определенные упражнения для улучшения самочувствия.

Это открытая платформа куда может присоединяться различные поставщики услуг, которые проходят тщательную проверку командой проекта и смогут получать большее количество заинтересованных пользователей и потенциальных клиентов. Bamboo благодаря блокчейну и мобильному приложению сохраняет множество персональных данных пользователей этой экосистемы и сделает доступным медицинское страхование каждому.

Команда разрабатывает функцию биометрического тестирования, что будет способствовать своевременно каждому пользователю следить за состоянием своего здоровья и предпринимать необходимые и эффективные действия для его укрепления. Сейчас проводится продажа токенов Bamboo в формате STO, которые позволяют их держателям получать пассивный доход в размере 15% от годовой прибыли. Это более надежный и привлекательный вариант инвестиций в цифровые токены, так как соответствует всем нормам SEC.

Bamboo уже достиг минимальной суммы сбора для осуществления своих дальнейших разработок и сможет создавать центры медицинской помощи на многих территориях, помогать людям проводить важную профилактику своего здоровья, получать и анализировать большую базу данных для создания новых медицинских препаратов, сотрудничать с лучшими и проверенными поставщиками услуг из различных областей.

Данной статьей я только рассказал вам малую часть того, чем будет полезна такая открытая и многофункциональная платформа, поэтому рекомендую дополнительно изучить информацию по этим ссылкам ниже:

САЙТ ПРОЕКТА : http://tokensale.thebamboo.io/

ГРУППА В ТЕЛЕГРАМЕ : https://t.me/thebambooio

ТЕХНИЧЕСКАЯ ДОКУМЕНТАЦИЯ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ : http://tokensale.thebamboo.io/

ОСНОВНАЯ СТРАНИЦА НА ФОРУМЕ БИТКОИНТОЛК: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5171420

ФЕЙСБУК СТРАНИЦА : https://www.facebook.com/thebamboo.io/

ТВИТТЕР АККАУНТ : https://twitter.com/_thebamboo_io

ПРОФИЛЬ НА ЛИНКЕДИН : https://www.linkedin.com/company/thebamboo

ИНСТАГРАМ АККАУНТ : https://www.instagram.com/thebamboo.io//@thebamboo

КАНАЛ НА ЮТУБЕ : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwiPq3T0ekHQ-8LlsR0kWg/featured


ССЫЛКА НА МОЙ ПРОФИЛЬ НА ФОРУМЕ БТТ:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2750675